Postdoc Position 1: We Are Seeking a Highly Motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate I With a Background In Hydrology To Join a Team of Hydrologists, Geochemists, and Ecologists.
Postdoc Position 1: We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate I with a background in hydrology to join a team of hydrologists, geochemists, and ecologists.
June 27, 2023
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate I with a background in hydrology to join a team of hydrologists, geochemists, and ecologists on our two closely related funded National Science Foundation Projects titled “Collaborative Research: GCR: Growing a new science of landscape terraformation: The convergence of rock, fluids, and life to form complex ecosystems across scales” and “Collaborative Research: Concentration - Ratio - Discharge (C-R-Q) Relationships of Transient Water-Age Distributions”. The research is conducted using the unique Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) facility, which is a replicated set of three highly instrumented convergent, basaltic hillslopes constructed within the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2. The research team will use measurements of isotopic tracers of hydrogen and oxygen to estimate water transit time distributions to develop a reactive transport model of basalt weathering reactions at the hillslope scale as well as to observe changes in the transit time distributions due to increasing biological complexity, from microbial communities (including microbial crusts) to non-vascular and vascular plants.