HWRS 519 Fundamentals of Surface Water Hydrology
Professor: Peter Troch
The objective of HWRS 519 is to study the hydrological processes at and immediately beneath the land surface that are responsible for the partitioning of water and energy into hydrological fluxes (infiltration, runoff, recharge, evaporation, sensible heat, ground heat) and to introduce methods to extrapolate point scale information about these processes to hillslope and catchment scales.
Semester: Spring

HWRS 630 Advanced Catchment Hydrology
Professor: Peter Troch
The objective of HWRS 630 is to study different methods and approaches to extrapolate (upscale) point to hillslope scale near-surface hydrologic processes to catchment and river basin scales and to apply this knowledge to develop watershed models to study hydrologic response given atmospheric forcing and how this response depends on landscape characteristics (soil, geomorphology, vegetation) in different climates.
Semester: Fall