Postdoc Position 2: We seek an early career scientist with background in hydrology and numerical modeling to fill a position as Postdoctoral Research Associate I

June 27, 2023
grad student

We seek an early career scientist with background in hydrology and numerical modeling to fill a position as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences. The Postdoctoral researcher will work on an NSF funded project, that aims at finding and explaining temporally changing hydrologic closure relationships for different levels of model complexity to make an important step towards an improved understanding of hydrology directly at the hillslope scale. The project will take advantage of the exceptional measurement capability of the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) hillslopes at Biosphere 2 and will gain novel insights into the closure relationships by combining recent methodological advances, namely (i) new data-based approaches to determine transit time distributions and the storage-discharge relationship, (ii) data assimilation, and (iii) machine learning methods.

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